Introducing the Cannabis Framework Project

Help transition cannabis into an accessible wellness and lifestyle product for all.

We are longtime cannabis advocates focused on crafting policy solutions and best practices to accelerate mainstream adoption of this plant. Through open collaboration, our goal is to help transition cannabis into an accessible wellness and lifestyle product for all.

We are longtime cannabis advocates focused on crafting policy solutions and best practices to accelerate mainstream adoption of this plant. Through open collaboration, our goal is to help transition cannabis into an accessible wellness and lifestyle product for all.

The Cannabis Framework Project was founded by writer and marketer HxHippy, and multidisciplinary artist Meelie. For over 15 years, we have built focused media brands, provided education, and advocated for smaller businesses. By combining our experience with diverse community insights, we aim to tackle complex issues shaping the future of this industry.

Our initial undertaking is developing an intuitive classification system and simplified nomenclature for cannabis strains. By categorizing products based on their compounds and effects, this framework can make the cannabis shopping experience more approachable for newcomers while still honoring the plant’s deep cultural roots. But this is only the first step.

Future projects will address policy barriers around environmental sustainability, product standards and transparency. Developing recommendations on these foundational topics through open collaboration is key to crafting frameworks that consider all those impacted. We invite individuals and groups across sectors to join our community, share knowledge, and help guide this important work.

Progress depends on inclusiveness, pragmatism, and valuing the greater good over private interests. The Cannabis Framework Project aims to take a comprehensive approach to each issue by incorporating diverse insights from subject experts, professionals across cannabis and related industries, business leaders, policymakers, advocates and consumers. By reflecting the many voices in this movement, we can derive solutions reflective of cannabis' spirit.

Change begins with a single question. Through ongoing discussion, our questions become frameworks, and frameworks become paths forward. We walk them together, for the journey itself contains answers that stand the test of time. The future remains open - help shape it with us.

For media inquiries, project participation or to sponsor our work, please contact:

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The Hazy Meaning
Cannabis Strain Names